FRONTLINES Coronavirus Policy
- The following required actions should be observed by all employees in order to protect themselves and others from Coronavirus: General Hygiene
- Employees should practice good hygiene by: Regularly washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Coughing/sneezing into a tissue, or upper sleeve, not in hands.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with hands.
- Avoiding contact with anyone with respiratory illnesses of any kind
- We will routinely clean and disinfect all frequently touched surfaces including:
- Work stations
- Countertops
- Door knobs/handles
- We will provide tissues and disinfecting disposable wipes.
FRONTLINE working from home to serve you better
- Since the beginning of the Pandemic we encourage staff to work from home
- If an outbreak becomes severe enough, a mandatory “Work from Home” policy may be put into effect and will continue until conditions improve well within healthy limits per local health and/or governmental bodies.
- Employees who are sick especially with cold or flu symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, or fever should remain home and seek medical attention immediately.
- Employees with sick family members should stay home.
- If an employee becomes sick at work, they will be separated from other employees and sent home.
Work From Home
- If an outbreak becomes severe enough, a mandatory “Work from Home” policy may be put into effect and will continue until conditions improve well within healthy limits per local health and/or governmental bodies.
- If an employee needs to care for a family member who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, they will be required to work for at least [#] days after the family member has fully recovered and it has been determined by a medical professional that the employee has not been infected.
- If an outbreak becomes severe enough, employee travel may be partially or fully restricted until conditions improve.
- We will leverage the use of virtual meeting technologies to continue work that would normally be conducted onsite.
- If an employee has recently returned from any area with a high number of COVID-19 diagnoses, they will be required to work from home for at least 14 calendar days and may return to the office if no symptoms have presented themselves.
If you have been diagnosed with Coronavirus
If an employee has been diagnosed with COVID-19, they may not return to the office until after full recovery has been confirmed by a medical professional. No exceptions!!!
We recognize that a diagnosis does not mean an employee is unable to work. Therefore, until full recovery is confirmed, if the employee is able to work, they may do so from home, per approval of their immediate manager.